Definitely far from the best flash on Newgrounds
There's no denying that the song is a great song, but if I remember correctly, this was submitted to the Flash Portal, therefore I believe sound only counts as a fraction of the score. So without further adieu I'll break down my rating.
Graphics: They were above average quality drawings but the lack of backgrounds really detracted. There was also a very small amount of character animation, and most of it was just tweening the entire body of a person.
Style: Although the song is pretty straght foward, the interpretation of it is nothing but literal, and not much thought was put into the meaning of it all.
Sound: As stated before, the song is awesome, but everyone has to remember that a great song doesn't make a great flash. If it did, someone could take Hey Jude and throw it to a bunch of stick figures and it would be amazing. I commend you for making the song yourself, but a 10 rating would go to it, and not the entire flash.
Violence: Pretty self explanatory, violence was there and there was enough of it.
Interactivity: Also self explanatory, seeing as there was none.
Humor: The song was witty in its ability to make nice sounding rhymes, but I didn't really laugh at all. Maybe smiled a bit.
Overall: Well using a calculator one could find the average of those scores to equal 5/10, so there you have it. I still stand firm on the point of view that people are overlooking the quality of the flash, which is average, to listen to the excellent song.